ötnap project, 2018
Multimedia Game, field recordings, voice

Daniela Maria Geraci, Akos Plesznivy, Finn Rabbit Dove, Sophie Barbera and Irene Lucia Malpeli, from Hungary, England and Italy, collaborated over five days to produce a playful multimedia game which traces and translates the various soundscapes of Budapest for a project entitled 'Mapping The Local'.

play (desktop only)
Sound itself is universal - like any other sensory stimuli
Saund itself is iuniversal - laik eni ader sensori stimuli
Szánd itszelf iz junivörszol - lájk eni ádör szenszori sztimuláj

The collective were invited to collaborate as part of a partnership between the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, the School of Arts, Nova Gorica and the Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade, of which the results were published in an online booklet

see also

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